Importance of proper intestinal hygiene

Your very best diet is not much better than the worst diet if your colon is lined with toxic waste!

Constipation, skin problems, fatigue, constant colds and flu, allergies, thyroid deficiency, colitis, diabetes, gas, abdominal pain, eye problems, heart problems, senility, and other ailments are often relieved by practicing proper intestinal hygiene.

Proper intestinal hygiene aids in preventing many illnesses and problems. Every organ, every cell, every gland in the body is affected by the condition of the small and large intestines.

We have to learn how to make the correct food choices because what we eat will determine our degree of optimal wellness. Eating foods that remain in the body for too long and become fermented, toxic, putrid waste will negatively affect our health.

The elimination of our food and its absorption and assimilation of nutrients into the blood stream is equally important as what we eat. Few people realize the connection between the intestines and the effect it has on our health.

Failure to expel waste from your body can be the demise of your health.

The late Dr. Jensen reported that death begins in the colon. The reality and importance of proper intestinal hygiene can be the cause of your ailing body or the answer to you regaining vitality and optimal wellness.

Healthy Digestive Functioning

Proper nutrition nourishes the nerves, walls, and tissue of the intestines which allows the intestines to function at its best. In your small intestines food is broken down and the nutrients from the food are absorbed into your blood stream. Peristaltic movement is like a wave movement that pushes your food through your intestines. When the nutrients have been extracted from your food, the peristaltic action then moves your food out of your body through your anus.

Diet and Digestion

If you’re eating processed foods, fast foods, fried foods, overcooked dead foods, starches, sugars, table salt, and very little raw vegetables, your intestines cannot be in the best of health—therefore your body isn’t in the best of health.

Even if you don’t see symptoms today there is a simple test you can do at home that will display weather you’re in optimal wellness or your health is deteriorating.

• It's the pH test.

Okay so now that we’ve established that the condition of your intestines can either lead to optimal wellness or to the demise of your health. Let’s take a look at some of the ways your intestines directly affect your organs and glands.

The Heart

If there’s a constant overload of toxins, and fermented, putrid matter in your intestines—this will also affect your heart. The heart—like all of your organs, plus all of your cells, tissue, and glands can only be healthy if your intestines are in a constant state of cleanliness.
Your heart is affected by toxins in your blood and by fermentation and putrification of waste matter. Toxins and putrid waste matter are absorbed through your intestines by your blood and lymph fluid which passes through your heart constantly-- your heart is most definitely affected by impurities in your blood.
Another way your heart is affected by not practicing proper intestinal hygiene is that gas builds up in both your gastrointestinal tract and travels to any part of the body by the process of gas-osmosis. Obviously when gas travels to the heart it is likely to cause problems. My new client was not following his program. He had plenty of gas in his stomach. He was rushed to the hospital for what he believed was a heart attack. A heart attack can take place under such conditions-- as gas pockets can actually form anywhere in the heart and cause a heart attack. Parasites can also cause major problems in the body and particularly in the liver.

The Liver

Your liver is a detoxifying agent with many life sustaining functions. If your liver goes bad you’ll need a liver transplant. Parasitical interference with the liver's functions can occur when you fail to exercise proper intestinal hygiene.

Your colon is your large intestine. Both your large and small intestines affect every area of your body. You cannot be in health if your small and large intestines are full of toxic, putrid waste-matter.

It is in the small intestines that:
Most of the nutrients from the foods we eat are absorbed into our blood stream. They're assimilated to all of our trillions of cells forming healthy new cells, healthy tissues, healthy organs and healthy systems.


Without proper intestinal hygiene we can never achieve optimal wellness.

We need to detoxify both our large and small intestines


When was the last time you detoxified your colon?

Is there a way to Cleanse the Colon?

• Drinking Kefir helps to maintain your Large and Small Intestines.
Research and many supporters of Kefir say that it can bring your digestive system back to good health, strengthening your immune system and boosting your resistance to allergens.

Consume Friendly Bacteria (Probiotics)

Research shows that if your digestive system is overrun by bad bacteria, it may increase your risk of colon cancer by generating waste products that harm colon tissues and make them more vulnerable to malignancies.5 Researchers say it's possible that adenomas, benign tumors that may serve as a warning sign of colon cancer, could be triggering the production of bad bacteria too.
• Taking HTE New Enzymes or Digestion Plus buffer internal acidity, maintain the proper balance of beneficial bacteria in the body, aid digestion, and strengthen resistance to harmful bacteria. They serve to maintain and enhance internal functions, and help restore you to a state of living more complete rather than living with just mediocre health.

Your intestines are either your body’s friend or enemy – it all depends on how you care for it.

Life is a gift, but wellness is a choice.

What Effect Does Neglect of the Intestines Have
on the Intestines?

That’s a good question simply because it’s way too common to learn about friends or family members developing colon cancer, diverticulitits, polyps, and other intestinal problems. Not to mention related degenerative diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis, gout, cancer, and multiple sclerosis.
Do you know that there are millions of people today in the United States who having failed to practice proper intestinal hygiene have had their colon unnecessarily amputated or sections of totally removed? Some of them have to wear a colostomy bag by their side daily because their feces no longer can be eliminated through their anus—but must be eliminated into the colostomy bag.—And as long as they live they will never have control over their bowel movements. Practice proper intestinal hygiene so you never have to live with a colostomy bag.

According to the American Cancer Society, more than 148,000 new cases of colon cancer will be diagnosed in the United States this year alone—resulting in more than 55,000 deaths. That makes colon cancer the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States.

Colon cancer begins as a small polyp in the colon that most people would not be able to feel. Polyps may develop in the colon and grow for years. In this time period they can become cancerous, without any sign or symptoms. By the time symptoms occur, the cancer may not be curable. Routine colon cancer screenings can catch polyps early and actually prevent cancer from occurring.

Many of these strategies will not only keep your colon functioning optimally, but also may lower your risk of getting colon polyps. By leading a healthy lifestyle and getting screened for colon cancer starting at age 50, you’re taking the best steps to protect your colon health.

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